Bible Verses for motherhood struggles from a real life struggling mom

Motherhood struggles

We tend to hit times in our lives where no matter what we read, watch, are told…we just can’t shake out of the nasty funk we find ourselves in. Motherhood Struggles Sometimes everything just is a bother, a struggle, a sadness, just negative after negative.. We get into the habit of repeating the same bible … Read more

Rainbow baby pregnancy, planning a home-birth and more

rainbow baby pregnancy

 Rainbow baby, planning a home-birth, pregnancy ups and down: Hey everyone so this is the continuation of my rainbow baby post from before. Before I continue, I just wanted to say that I am super happy that my posts have been reaching people and that it has gotten likes and comments. I’m super excited to … Read more

He saved me from myself


Sister Sarah shares on Our blog once again. Praise the Most High! Sarah shares how Our Father saved her from herself. “He saved me from myself” Pondering on the reckless choices I made as I searched for anything possible to fill my emptiness. I was so willing to risk it all for the wrong people, … Read more

Scripture and thoughts by Sarah


My Sister in Spirit, Sarah Benel, shares about her personal growth in Spirit and in Truth! Sarah also shares scripture which has helped her learn  to love and obey our Father. Sarah has shared on HeavenlyTreasure blog before, read the birth story she shared here. The Most High’s word has forever changed me within and … Read more