Rainbow baby, planning a home-birth, pregnancy ups and down:
Hey everyone so this is the continuation of my rainbow baby post from before. Before I continue, I just wanted to say that I am super happy that my posts have been reaching people and that it has gotten likes and comments. I’m super excited to continue my journey as mommy blogger and momtrepeneur.
Revealing Pregnancy to my mom
Well to continue from my previous blog, it was a joyous occasion to find out I was expecting my rainbow baby. Everyone was actually so happy for me! My mom automatically knew. She called me one day and was like, are you pregnant and I just smiled “aww man yeah I am.”
I say “aww man” because I wanted to surprise her by taking her to one of my ultrasounds lol. I was going to the gynecologist like every two weeks to get blood work done and ultrasounds because of my previous miscarriages and because I have had endometriosis and cysts in my left ovary. So my doctor wanted to make sure everything was fine.
I was put on progesterone because my body wasn’t creating enough, and that could cause me to miscarry. Thank God that they found out so early so that we could protect this beautiful baby. I had to be on the progesterone until my placenta took over the role, which was about around the third month!
Slight scare
Around 7 weeks I started spotting but it was very very light not red or anything just pink, of course I panicked because I have already been through all this and twice so I immediately freaked out. But something told me not to I’m pretty sure it was God. It was different this time. I called the office and we made an appointment to go in the next day and get an ultrasound and blood work done. We went in and got an ultrasound done and everything was fine I just had some blood behind where the placenta had attached and that’s why I was bleeding. They told me that most of time it resolves on it’s own and they would pay attention to it make sure it did get smaller on its own. Phewww what a relief we were so happy that this baby was fine!

Gynecologist care to Midwifery care
Finally at around 9 weeks I got the go ahead that I could go to a midwife. That everything was stable and nothing was wrong so a midwife was an option!! Yay! I had already had my midwife picked. But of course I went with Sheila Simms Watson! I had worked with her previously and my sister had both her babies with her. So I was so excited to be her client now! She has been so awesome.
Being with a midwife is way better than being with a doctor. They actually take the time at every prenatal to talk to you and get to know you and see how you have been doing. Instead of waiting an hour and being seen for 10 minutes. With a midwife you wait 10 minutes and get seen for an hour! So awesome like I know that she knows everything and she’s always there when I need her! I see her every month but now that I am 8 months pregnant I see her every two weeks.

Finding out baby’s gender
I found that I was having a precious baby boy in the funniest way. It was supposed to be a surprise. When we got the ultrasound done I wasn’t supposed to look but I misunderstood the tech I thought she had said that she would tell me when not to look but she had said that she would tell me when I could look again hahha. So when I looked at the screen she was writing it’s a boy hahaha!
So funny and then it was even funnier because I was going to surprise my husband. And when I got into the car I started talking about how the ultrasound went and I started saying “He” is doing “He” is so big. My husband looked at me and was like HE?? And I was started cracking up because that’s not how I wanted to tell him. But I had just started talking normally not realizing I was saying he the whole time!! Haha my husband was so happy he was speechless like he already has 2 girls so this is his first boy something he thought wasn’t possible. He stared crying it was so sweet. He has been the best partner ever! And he is over the moon excited for this baby boy.

Pregnancy troubles and essential oils
The pregnancy has been great so far, although lately I have really not been feeling well. I can’t sleep, or get comfortable. And now my right rib cage has been hurting to the point where I can’t do any force or stretching on that side crazy! But thankfully I have been using Panaway essential oil blend, which has been seriously helping with the pain and to get it better. At least now I can sleep on that side.
Speaking of oils, they are something that are helping me so much throughout my pregnancy! I use Lavender, Stress Away, Abundance and Panaway a lot! Especially lavender. I recently made a mix of coconut oil and shea butter with lavender oil in it for my belly. It has been so helpful I am stretch mark free on my belly wooohoo I made this cream, I guess you can call it, with my sister.
I love it I put it on my belly, boobs, and butt all the things that have been growing since I got pregnant!
Now that I am 8 months we are just preparing for him. Getting everything ready. All the supplies, cleaning the house I’m actually starting to nest hahha. I’m cleaning his clothes and his cloth diapers. Woohoo cloth diapers! We will talk about that in another post. I have also started going to my Birthing from Within classes, which I will talk about in another post as well, as soon as I am finished with them.
Ladies don’t lose hope even if you have had a bunch of miscarriages because our God is a God of miracles. And if you follow Him and give your life to Him and trust in Him. He will definitely do miracles in your life!! This miracle I got I believe I got it from a fast that I did for God. I told Him I will fast, ” Lord please bless me with a baby” and as soon as my fast was over I got the news I was expecting.
So have faith in Him because He will be there for you.