Pregnancy depression and anxiety, blame it on the hormones, but…

Pregnancy depression

Does that make the emotions any less relevant? When present or past emotions arise during pregnancy there’s a tendency for the consolation to be: it’s just the hormones…. So is pregnancy depression and anxiety, etc alllll just because of hormones?! Ok so yea sometimes the emotions are just THAT much more overwhelming during pregnancy because … Read more

Mom of 3! Not the pregnancy I expected…

Third Pregnancy

Current pregnancy and being mom of 2! I kept saying, “I am happy with two. Two are enough! God won’t give me more than I can handle.” Many moms share this sentiment We are just overwhelmed by motherhood and our needy children! For me it got to the point where I truly wasn’t feeling happy … Read more

Bible Verses for motherhood struggles from a real life struggling mom

Motherhood struggles

We tend to hit times in our lives where no matter what we read, watch, are told…we just can’t shake out of the nasty funk we find ourselves in. Motherhood Struggles Sometimes everything just is a bother, a struggle, a sadness, just negative after negative.. We get into the habit of repeating the same bible … Read more

Meditation: My Peace Anchor

Special guest post today from Expectful ! Sharing the joys of maternity and all the support we need through it! Meditation: My Peace Anchor When the second faint line appeared on the pregnancy test, I thought I was seeing things. I brought it over to my husband and said, “Is it just me or do you … Read more