Biblical Motherhood in Modern Days: A Guide for the Faithful

Motherhood is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences a woman can have. It is a sacred calling that comes with great responsibility, but also great joy. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it can be comforting to turn to the Bible for guidance on what it means to be a mother. … Read more

The truth about you, sister, according to THE MOST HIGH!

Mama, claim these 7 truths from The Most High about yourself to overcome everyday struggles. Feeling unappreciated? Unworthy? Need uplifting and praise? IT IS ALL IN THE WORD! Seek and you will find: Here are a few truths about you, virtuous, righteous mama, because I too need the daily reminders. My patience, anger, frustration, anxiety, … Read more

Jasmin’s Birth Story: surprise unassisted one hour home-birth!

Jasmin’s Home Birth Story! This is the story of Jasmin’s home birth! On Thursday Oct. 18, 2012, at 5:30am I woke up for the 4th or 5th time to use the bathroom, as is the case with any woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy. I laid back down to snuggle with my hunny before he … Read more