Parenting Vlog #4

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Moving along to Parenting Vlog #4! you made it!

Good for you for getting this far! Most of all have patience with yourself as you absorb all the info, you will have small successes at first, and long-term goals WILL happen. Let’s do this!

Parenting Vlog #4 covers Action Guides and more tips

Leaving off from Vlog #3, this is the second half of Part @ of the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids. Be sure to check that out so you can follow along and not be too lost.

These are my notes from the book, they are not meant to cover every single detail. Please follow along with the video and be sure to get your own copy of the book for best results!


My notes for rest of Part 2: Fostering Connection



Parenting vlog



Our job is to set limits, deny unreasonable requests and correct behavior. At best we can do it without them even noticing. Most of the time they see it as something negative, we then need to repair our connection.

  • -challenges=emotional account in the red
  • -2 things you can do to refill the relationship account?
  • -consider what contributed to you being overdrawn? Write 5 things you can do in the future.


Why does special time create significant changes in child’s behavior?

  • -gives the child the parents fully loving attention, which helps them thrive.
  • -reconnecting us with our children helps them be happier and more cooperative
  • -children have a consistent, safe opportunity to release emotions
  • -deepens our empathy
  • -builds trust and partnership
  • -convinces our children we truly do care about them


1. Announce it and set a time
2. Other children are being watched so each child can have special time
3. Set a timer, 15-20mins
4. Alternate who decides what to do during special time.
5. Give your child 100% of your attention
6. Do something they’re usually not allowed to do, if you’re able to do it safely
7. When it’s your turn to decide what to do, check Chapter 3 for “Playing with your child: games for emotional intelligence”
8. End special time when the timer buzzes
9. Be aware, child’s emotions may bubble up

Daily habits to strengthen and sweeten your relationship with your child

-develop small rituals to reconnect throughout the day
-short emotional refueling before “separation” situations
-Twelve hugs a day
-turn off technology
-evenings are family time
-special time
-consciously refocus you attention to your child
-attune to your child’s mood
-connect on their level
-Don’t let rifts build up
-5:1 ratio, for every 1 negative interaction have 5 positive ones

Use connection to get your child Our the door in the morning

-get everyone to bed early
-get yourself to bed early
-build in extra time
-prepare the night before
-5 mins snuggle time before each child wakes up
-use connections routines to make transitions easier
-keep the routine as simple as possible
-realize that children need your help
-offer choices
-role play

Use connection to make bedtime easier
(Watch the parenting vlog #4 video for detailed info)

10 ways to become a brilliant listener

1. Remember to close your mouth
2. Pay attention
3. Notice conversation openers
4. Let them know if you can’t listen then
5. Be fully present
6. Actively acknowledge and reflect his feeling
7. Ask nonjudgmental questions
8. Don’t jump in with solutions and advice
9. Keep the conversation safe for everyone
10. Manage your own emotions

HOW do I get my child to listen to me?!

– don’t start talking until you have their attention
-don’t repeat yourself
-use fewer words
– see it from his point of view
– engage cooperation
– soothe dont inflame
– set up routines
– model attentive listening

When your child shuts down
( watch parenting vlog #4 for details)

When you and your child are stuck in negativity


Those are the notes from this second half of Part 2. I will also like to add that prayer, bible reading, speaking about what God tell us in His Word is also very important to prioritize both as a family and for ourselves as parents.

May The Most High bless!

Parenting Vlog #3

Parenting vlog

Hey hey! So happy you have found Parenting Vlog #3

This Part of the book bit lengthy so will break it up into two posts. Please follow along the video so these notes will make sense to you if you don’t have the book!

Comments are welcome, love the feedback!

checkout vlog #1 and #2 ! 

Part 2 Fostering Connection

Three big ideas of Aha Parenting

1. Fostering connection
2. Coaching, not controlling
3. Regulating yourself

Connection is the secret to happy parenting. Analogy of riding a bike uphill vs coasting downhill. Still need to steer, pay attention, watch for twist and turns, but momentum is with you.

Children will be more likely to cooperate if they feel you’re on their side. Not that it’s our DUTY to connect with them, but that we want to because we love them.

Child emotional growth

Babies: wiring the brain- learning to sync, learn from us. we sync, we’re out of sync, and get back in sync, never perfect and that’s ok

Toddlers: building secure attachment- secure attachment and gives tips for daycare children.

Preschoolers: developing independence – what is independence, what it’s not, consequences, real independence = roots & wings . Roots: secure attachment- they know we are there for them. Wings- giving them control, guiding them, encouraging them. As they build their confidence

Elementary schoolers- ages 6-9, bring more I fluenced by media and peers, we arent their sole influence. With a strong connection we can remain available for them for bonding and guidance before it’s too late. Goal: build a strong relationship, a solid foundation to get through teen years.


-develop family rituals that foster connection: an activity everyone looks forward to and happen consistently.
– resist sending them off to something to get more time to get things done. Use that time to hangout with them
– take cues about independence from your child, in between them doing grown up things, they’ll come back for extra attention, coming back into their “baby self”


Positive strategies vs punishments- listening, resist punishing, attend to any rifts. Punishing diminishes closeness, erodes our influence upon them as they grow

My side note- this is true of what happened with me. I LOVE my parents, but growing up we grew distant because of physical punishing and lack of communication. I rebelled, my teenage and adolescent years were full of confusion and ugliness. Until I reached out to God and allowed Him to repair me, to forgive and to begin the healing bond. I reconnected with my family on a true, deep love.

This is why I want to focus on these things that I may already be repeating from my own upbringing. To stop the cycle.


“Free up the time-daily- to make the closeness happen.” P57

Earn your child’s trust with our own daily behavior. Every interaction creates the relationship. How we handle the good and the bad.
Any attention away from our children can create a separation, so always coming back and nurturing them back into your space helps repair the bond. Sometimes they may act out, or be in their “baby self”, because of repressing their dependency for so long and finally letting down his or her guard to receive solace from you.

It’s not encouraging dependency but being there for their emotional needs. In the end, their transition to independency will go smoother because they had their needs met instead of squashed. So they won’t end up depending on others.


“Defiance isn’t a discipline problem, it’s a relationship problem.”
They need something from us they aren’t getting.
May not be only our parenting, but their own predispositions, challenging life events, etc.


The author suggest to connect even with difficult children who have autism, and those who are just challenging. She gives a story about a mom and her son and how he behaved very difficult. In the end, their relationship and the boys behavior improved with a few things the mom changed to connect better with her son.



Please watch the video, these notes will make more sense when followed along the video and of course the book!





Parenting vlog

Parenting Vlog #2 Peaceful Parent Book Review

Parenting vlog

Peaceful Parenting Vlog #2

Oh and Find Parenting Vlog #1 here

Part 1 of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Dr. Laura Markham

Regulating yourself

This first section is addressing the cause of the parenting difficulties–ourselves.

How our own childhood, stress, lack of self care, etc can cause us to not be able to regulate our emotions…we then act on impulse of anger or fear.

True for me in my own upbringing. Even though I have forgiven my parents and have a good relationship with them. The past is coming up now after my second child was born. More things have changed, been added to my plate, and my support system has changed since he was born as well. I am working on fixing this praise The Most High He is giving me the wisdom and tools to do it.

I like so far how the author doesn’t make you feel guilty, instead- empathizes, normalizes and also gives to-the-point exercises to begin the track of peaceful parenting.

Without sharing totally everything because obviously this little snippets can’t replace the book, one exercise that really stuck out to me  — 3 minute process to shift yourself from upset to peace. So checkout the parenting Vlog #2 video above for a quick breakdown of that exercise.

Get the Book Here Parenting vlog #2

Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light

Parenting Vlog #1 Peaceful Parent Book Review

Parenting vlog

Parenting Vlog #1 Because my friends made me do it…here is parenting vlog #1 Ok yes, but no really, this is how the idea sprouted… 2 sister friends and I gathered for a long night of feasting and chatting. Our children total of 9 altogether playing awesomely with some hiccups here and there, the usual … Read more

7 Purim Activities for Children

Purim activities

Purim activities, fun for children Here is a peek at our Purim activities! Leading up to any of the Biblical feasts, we read the stories together, simplified for children of course. We also find children’s videos online of the animated version of the story. So for Purim we read parts of Esther and watched a … Read more