February, forget Valentine’s Day, let’s look at Purim!

Purim/Panaryam: The True February Holy Day Date: February 19-20 2019 Biblical reference: Esther 9:21 What is it about? During the reign of King Ahasuerus in the Medo-Persian captivity, Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite (the enemy of all the Jews from the seed of Amalek (Est.3))  due to his hatred towards Mordecia, devised a plan … Read more

7 Purim Activities for Children

Purim activities

Purim activities, fun for children Here is a peek at our Purim activities! Leading up to any of the Biblical feasts, we read the stories together, simplified for children of course. We also find children’s videos online of the animated version of the story. So for Purim we read parts of Esther and watched a … Read more