A supernatural home birth story!!!
What makes this a supernatural home birth? You will be so blessed after reading this amazing story by Rayah’s mama at It’s a Fruitful Life. I am so honored to be able to share her story on Our blog. Alll to Our Father Almighty’s glory!
-Rayah Lillian Fabbri-
Born on November 10, 2016
This time last year Rayah Lillian was a new born baby and I was a new born mom, and Brent was a new born dad. We had experienced so much emotion in this day a year ago.
Rayah Lillian has been the biggest blessing to our family. We fasted and prayed for three weeks prior to getting pregnant, just simply seeking what the Fathers will even was for us–did he want us to have our own children, adopt, foster, etc–and 2 weeks after we finished our fast is when Yah planted Rayah in my womb. We desired a child, and He chose her for us. What a tremendous blessing.
I truly considered it a privilege to carry a child in my womb.
What an incredible honor to be entrusted with such a delicate task. I took it very seriously. I ate extremely healthy, exercised daily, educated myself on all things natural pregnancy and birth, and so much more. We prayed over my womb every day and anointed her with frankincense, I’ll never forget how she danced in my belly as we did this. Oh the precious memories. I cherish these in my heart. I loved being pregnant. It was all so incredible.
Every child is a gift from God, but Every bit of Rayah’s life has been surrendered to His will–we sought out His plan and He gave her to us, we sought out what He wanted to name her and He told us Rayah Lillian. The best gift we’ve ever received. Her name means beloved/darling in Hebrew. The calling Yah has on her life is already evident in many ways, He has instilled a gentle and loving spirit in her that is just so sweet.
She cares for animals and babies in the most genuine way! And she’s only a baby it is incredible. But it’s all Him in her. We have enjoyed watching as He raises her up in a Holy manner. Oh what a joy.
Back to the birth story…
I loved going to our Midwife’s house and hearing Rayahs little heart beat and her kicking at the monitor! We knew she’d have a silly sense of humor then and oh has that shown to be the truth.
I remember talking to Lisa, my midwife about how I would Love it if Rayah would come early in the morning that way I could have breakfast and coffee for everyone to eat while I was in labor and watch the sunrise …and she and Brent laughed because the reality of it all happening that way was very unlikely…
(5 days before birth hikes..yikes)
But guess how sweet Yahweh is…
I woke up at 4 am on this day a year ago, feeling the warm contractions! I smiled because I knew I’d have time to make coffee and get the pumpkin bread out for my birthing team before they came over to the house. I started to time my contractions and for about an hour they were consitently 5-7 mins apart. So I got up, left Brent to keep sleeping because I knew he had a big day ahead so I’d let him get in a few more hours if he could. I went to the bathroom, turned on my birthing playlist, and started to pray as I had contractions, setting the tone for the labor experience.
I texted Lisa to let her know what was going on and she was great about trusting my laboring and timing of things.
(My laboring view)
Around 6:30 the contractions started to get closer together so I decided to wake Brent up and tell him to shower so he was ready for the day. It was so funny he was shocked it was already time and I was just then waking him up! Haha I tapped him in the shoulder and said “honey if you want to take a shower before helping me birth our daughter you may want to wake up and do so now.” He sort of looked at me funny and said,
“are you in labor right now?!”
After explaining to him in between contractions as I was making coffee he realized it was time to shower.
After I made the coffee my contractions were intense enough I decided to get in the shower. It felt amazing and helped to keep my body in a relaxed state. We then moved to the bathroom tub until Lisa came and we then filled the birthing tub.
Brent and Lisa were setting things up while I was laboring alone in the bath tub and I don’t think I have ever felt more at peace in my life.
My eyes were closed most of the labor and it was as if God jut took me somewhere else.
To a state of peace that was TRULY physical, tangible, real. That was our prayer the entire pregnancy is that we’d have a supernatural childbirth where the Father’s strength and peace would overcome any pain and He truly did. The contractions were warm and intense but not painful. I had fully surrendered my body to Him and trusted that it was doing what it was supposed to be doing.
About an hour after Lisa came around 9/9:30 and around she checked how far I was just because we weren’t sure…I was laboring so peacefully I didn’t have any of the crazy birthing woman attitudes and drama. She had told Brent she expected I’d be around a 5 and as she checked me she said “oh my gosh you’re not going to believe this! You are already at an 8!”
Now I am so excited but I did not want my relaxed body to go into adrenaline mode so I took the news calmly and got back in the tub feeling so encouraged and I knew it was God because I didn’t go through any of the “crazy awful transition phase stuff” seeing as through I was already at an 8! Praise the Father! It was that news that further encouraged me to know He was going to see this labor through to the end. We got this.
Those last few hours were incredible; feeling my body do the work.
Brent was amazing throughout all of it. Being sure I was hydrated, pouring warm water on my lower back if needed, keeping oils diffused, and applying my amazing YoungLiving essential oils to my sacrum, lower back and forehead. He is the best partner, coach, and husband I could ever dream up. During the contractions he’d squeeze my hands really tight, applying counter pressure to help prevent me from tensing up in any way. I wanted and needed to keep completely relaxed to be free of any pain and he was my helper in maintaining all of this. He encouraged me and prayed with me. Oh how blessed we are.
I then approached the phase where I got the strong urges to push. Now let me say this, one of my daily prayers through pregnancy was that my water would not break until it was time to push that baby out and that the bag of waters would be a cushion for me through labor…and how sweet is Abba, for He met me in those little requests.
My water didn’t even break until about 15/20 minutes before Rayah came!
I remember when it finally did break getting so excited and saying “oh yay my water broke!” Because I knew that was the last piece I needed to happen before she came. Labor and Pushing was nothing like I’d been told by so many–and I think a lot of that has to do with my faith in how it could be with God’s help.
At first, as I was pushing, I wasn’t fully giving it my all because I was almost just pushing out of trying to get my water to break, but holding back was just hindering the process. So Lisa looked at me and told me to just “let it go” and when she connected with me like that in that moment, it was as if the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through her and I heard in my body and spirit that I needed to FULLY surrender my body, my everything. So I did. I released everything, my body, my voice, my concerns, my trust, all of it.
I went into a totally different zone.
It was as though He truly overcame me because at that point everything was numbed in a sense but I still felt everything–unexplainable! By the way I loved feeling her move lower and lower, I even reached down to feel her head when she crowned (which by the way the “ring of fire” was not a thing for me? Not sure it even exists) once I touched her I was motivated for her to come fast! We had to push with me in a few different positions because her shoulder was caught, but after moving in a few different positions with the help and guidance of Lisa, we got that all sorted out.
At 11:33 am she finally comes, and I will never forget pulling her wet little body from Lisa, who guided her to me as I pushed her out fresh out of the tub and up against my body. Looking down at the sweet little girl who has been inside of me for 9 months and 5 days, the little baby I was talking to and praying over and singing to through my womb…now outside of me in my arms.
Oh my word the joy and thrill and relief– truly not enough words to express that feeling.
I was laughing and crying and Blessing Yahweh’s name through it all! Saying hi to my baby for the first time out of the womb and talking to her. I’m sure Lisa and Donna (midwife assistant who was awesome) thought I was a goof. But I Just had to praise Him! What I experienced through the whole labor was sooo SUPERNATURAL and peaceful!
You know, there have been many times in my life where I have felt the presence of God– during worship services, hard times as I cried out to him, prayer, etc– but during my labor experience, I truly PHYSICALLY felt Yah in a way like never before. It wasn’t just His warm presence within the room, He was significantly all around but I felt Him overcome me in a way that I just can’t explain.
All glory to Yahweh God for helping me deliver my baby. And would you know, the song she was born to was Highest Praises by Amanda Cook. So fitting! Now I truly can understand and relate to Eve when she says “With the help of Yahweh I have brought forth a man.” After the birth of Cain in Genesis 4:1. That was what I prayed for.
Desired. Believed He would do it. And He did!
With the help of Yahweh I brought forth a daughter. He formed her, named her, birthed her. Gifted me with a loving and knowledgeable midwife who I can never thank enough. For all the support, encouragement, education and love she provided me throughout our journey. And my husband, the best birth coach who was there every step of the way. Working so hard the the whole process to get our girl here, together. We are blessed.
I hope you have been blessed by this story! To read more from It’s a Fruitful Life click here!
That’s fantastic! I’ve never heard of such a peaceful birth story! What a blessing!
I can’t believe she had such a peaceful birth! Thanks for reading!