My beautiful friend shares Zoe’s birth story on Our blog!
Osipkemhi Zoe was born 16/6/16, one day short of my birthday 17/6/16. Originally, his due date was on my birthday, and I looked forward to sharing a birthday with our second child. However, it wasn’t to be.
He came at the perfect time God wanted him to come.
When I learnt I was pregnant again, I thought it was too soon to have another. I had mixed emotions. Excitement (about a new life forming in me), worry (about how I’d cope with a toddler less than 2), resentment (that I had to shelve my plans again), gratitude (that it’s so easy for me to get pregnant again). Though as my bump grew and I could feel Zoe’s movements more, I began to look forward to meeting him.
Through the pregnancy my go to scripture was Isaiah 66:7-9. I earnestly prayed these verses and hoped for a painless delivery (even though I wasn’t sure that was possible. But because the scripture said it, I thought ‘oh, I have noting to lose’). I also prayed that the delivery would be fast, and about the midwife/nurse(s) who would attend to us, that they would be considerate, that the right hands would bring forth our son.
Obstetric Cholestasis
As we progressed into the last trimester. I began to itch severely. On my abdomen, my legs, my hands especially at night. After two visits to the doctor I was told I had obstetric cholestasis and that I would have to be induced to deliver. Initially I agreed, but when I got home I researched about the condition and wasn’t too comfortable with the information on birthing the baby. On the day of the appointment for the induction, after the doctors had spoken with us again, I told my husband I didn’t want to do it. That I trusted God to bring forth our baby at the right time on the right day. I was 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant by this time.
One week later, at 39 weeks 6 days our baby came.
Labour began the previous night and when I couldn’t sleep throughout the night my husband took me to the hospital at 5am. By then I was just 3cm dilated. The pain did come (I suppose God didn’t think that was a valid prayer point ?) but the delivery was quick. I remember pulling my husband’s shirt, holding it so tight and screaming when I felt like my body was tearing and behold, there came our little bundle at 7:45am. And the first thing I said was “oh, thank you Lord”. He did answer my prayers.
I’ll not end this story there without mentioning my doula. Even though she couldn’t be there as I wanted, the tips she gave me really helped. While I was in labour, I used the technique of exhaling when the pains ran through my body. It really did help. Truth is, it doesn’t matter that I’ve gone through birthing a child before, every birth is a new experience.