Rona’s motherhood Journey: Matthew’s rainbow baby birth

Here is Rona’s second guest post!
This time she shares her second experience, the birth of her second son Matthew, a rainbow baby birth!

If you haven’t read her first story be sure to click over and read it. 


As husband and I remembered Ezekiel’s first birthday, we prayed again for another baby boy. We were given Matthew. His name means God’s gift. And I conceived more or less the same month I did with Ezekiel, so that gave 2 years age gap.

However, my gynecologist feared uterine rupture due to the integrity of my uterine wall after everything I went through with Ezekiel. So there was no way she would allow me VBAC, nor would allow me to go into labor. She scheduled me for another C-section 4 weeks before my due date.

We were so prepared and we got lots of people praying with us. I was able to go into fasting, and didn’t throw up like what happened to Ezekiel’s birth. I vomited there big time. Coupled with all my amniotic fluids, I’m glad they didn’t drown in all the mess. Yikes!

Going back to Matthew’s birth, my schedule at OR was March 18, 2012 at 8:00 AM.

All our bags were prepared as early as when my third trimester started, and we were so excited. That time I and my husband were together in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi and he was being the best dad to be ever. We woke up 5:00 AM though we barely slept that night. We were mostly praying. If there were fears, nothing was spoken. We spoke only of hope and life and of God’s faithfulness whatever the situation may be or will be.

We left home at exactly 5:30 and arrived at the hospital before 6:00. By 6:30 they started preparing me for the CS procedure. After making me change to a hospital gown, and checking my vitals, they inserted the IV line and a urine catheter. Ouch!

By 8:00 I was wheeled to OR. The experience was so different. Quite redemptive of the first. I understood everything and I got no fear. And everything was fast and perfectly executed. As soon as I was on the table I was made to curl up like a ball then injected an anesthesia in my spine and the same CS operation.

Matthew was out and crying so loud by 8:17 AM.

And he turned out to be a cry baby that I and husband would always joke it was only his mouth that was out at 8:17 AM and he started crying right there and then. He is so precious! He weighed 3.55 kilos, and he was 42 cm tall – he was big!

I rested for an hour at OR, while Matthew was being attended to by the midwives and his father. No newborn clothes fit him and it was all we prepared in the bag. So amusing!

After an hour of rest, I was wheeled back to the room and there I found my two guys waiting –my husband and my son. He was given to me as soon as I was transferred to bed and he immediately latched and fed.

Two days more and we were home sweet home.

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