Happy 6 Months Jasmin: Teething, Crawling, Baby Wearing and Daddy


So far Jasmin has been teething but still no teeth! I noticed her rubbing and chewing more around 4-5 month and then she got a little fever and cough, which I wrote about as well. I have given her cold cantaloupe to gnaw on as well as anything she can get her little chubby hands on. I don’t really like all this non-baby/eco-friendly things that are available for teething babies so we haven’t really gone out to buy anything.

I recommend ESSENTIAL OILS. So far a drop or 2 of lavender oil mixed in a little of almond or coconut oil really works wonders to soothe her. We’re waiting for Thieves Oil blend we just ordered so let’s see how that works out for her.

Rolling/Sitting/Crawling:Ready for the pool

She has been sitting on her own for a couple weeks now as well as rolling. She rolled off the bed once already! Which is OK because our mattress is on the floor and there was a pillow next to it. I just woke up to sounds of knocking on the potty. I freaked out when I rolled over and didn’t see Jasmin only to find her laying on the floor smiling, looking up at me, and knocking her little hand against her potty!

She’s now starting to put more weight on her legs, even starting to rock back and forth a little bit. Soon she’ll start crawling! I can’t believe how time flies! It’s incredible! And she’s already been out of the country!!!image

Baby Wearing:

When we go out I rarely use the stroller. I mostly wear Jasmin in her Moby Wrap. After I learned how to tie it the first time it was super easy, since then I carry/wear her almost everywhere. even at home if she just has mommy moments and wants o be a monkey then I’ll just put her in there and keep going about my business. She especially loves to go for walks outdoors and enjoy the view and know out fast asleep.wasssaaa jasmin :) I must admit that it was very intimidating at first. Looking at this long piece of cloth and wondering how in he world this would hold a child safely in my arms was freaky! Even when I had it secure around me with no way she would fall, I would not let go of her! Now, we can’t leave the house without it 🙂


Me, Me, Me, What about Daddy?

I love Mr. P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so supportive and awesome. Without him I wouldn’t be able to accomplish all of these things! Yes, daddy gets lots of Jasmin time. She gets so excited and smiley when he gets home! It’s awesome to see them together. He gets too soothe her too, he carries her around and they look so  beautiful together! Jasmin and daddy wrapped upDaddy puts her on the potty and helps puts her to sleep. He plays the guitar for her and plays with her, it’s so wonderful. Not just daddy, Mr. P is the family “physician”. He gives us all the natural remedies and ways to care for baby Jasmin and the family as well. He is the Priest of this household and keeps us all physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy! Thank you daddy!

She is such a happy baby!!!

This is the comment we get the most, after “She is so cute!”. Yes Jasmin is a happy baby indeed. She has her temper of course. But overall Jasmin is a happy baby. For this I can only Praise our Heavenly Father. Only He has filled us with the love that can raise such a beautiful family. I praise Him and to the Most High be all the glory! He has led us to all this information so we can provide the closest godly parenting possible for Jasmin, to equip her with the emotional strength she needs to be a confident and competent beautiful little servant of God. May His will be done. Amen!

happy baby Jasmin


Jasmin’s Birth Story>>>or

Diapering/ Diaper-Free/ Elimination Communication>>>>or 

Jasmin’s Sleep and Nursing>>>


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