Thanks for reading about our trip to Costa Rica.
Please read part 1 and part 2 if you still haven’t 🙂
Planning out trip began because Mr. P and I were just so undecided about what we can do to give back to Our Father in heaven. Through our prayers we received many opportunities. We decided to take a step and do something, anything. Through our search we found this lovely farm with an incredible goal. Awakening Soul Farm has so much to offer, natural healing, beautiful environment and so much more.
We decided to spend half our trip at the farm. We spent these days in prayer, relaxation, and introspection. This was so valuable to us, especially Mr. P. Teachers definitely need some time to just unwind. Also, we were from the outside looking into our lives back at home. This helped to show us just how much we could be doing that we’re not doing. We are still in constant prayer for His will to be done in us and through us, praise The Most High!
While on the farm we got to walk down to a beautiful river. Mr. P got to take a dip but the new experience was too much for Jasmin. Just hearing the river frightened her, so we ended up heading back early, poor Jasmin! We also got to enjoy some books. Mr. P read a book that we recommend to all called Healing Oils of the Bible by David Stewart. I read a book called Broken Man written by one of the founders of Awakening Soul, Andres Aguila. He has an incredible story to tell and awesome paintings too. Awesome testimony to how he received Christ 🙂
They also had some trails in the jungle we got to experience as well. I love how Jasmin stared at everything and was so attentive to the new sounds around her. While on the farm we go to keep her diaper free for the most part, keeping a cloth diaper loosely under her. Staring at the stars was another wonderful experience! How beautiful to stare up into the Most High’s wonderful creation, so infinite and amazing. It’s too bad we couldn’t stay longer, but we have to follow God’s calling. We did get to meet some extraordinary people and have a wonderful time in nature. Jasmin’s sleep times even started following the sunset and sunrise!
Next time I’ll share our experience leaving the farm and other places we visited 🙂