Depending on your mood and personality, what helps you reset after a particular stressful, negative experience or chain of tough days, will look different for you. I am looking forward to reading your comments about what helps YOU Reset!
1. Do something you love:
what is it that you have always loved? Maybe even something you have never stopped loving from your childhood? Playing a sport? Playing a game? Reading a book? Listening to music and dancing? Painting? Talking on the phone for hours?
For me? I love being creative. Watercolor, crochet, writing. It helps me destress and unwind. Going to the beach or being barefoot outdoors too!
2. Do something different for yourself:
what is something you have been putting off because it’s new or feels selfish? Either treating yourself to a massage or investing in a personal growth course that can help you, whatever it is do it, buy it!
For me? I was contacted by RLAX to review their new app and receive a code for my friends Jenny30 ! This one is limited to Thailand but check what is available in your location. If you can book someone to come to you and at least get a Facial Acupressure & Head Massage like I did, it’s worth the investment!
Even though times are tough massage therapists are working to follow procedures to continue their work and maintain safety and comfort for you.

But if your area doesn’t offer it here is tip #3…
3. Move your body somehow!
Staying stagnant physically can also keep your mind and emotions stuck too. Get out of the stuck and not motion! Move the negativity out of your body, shake it out!
But how??? Well, what do you prefer? A workout? Go for a walk or jog. Is swimming an option? Dance or add a simple stretch to your morning routine.
What are you waiting for, get in some comfy clothes and get in motion!
Bliss Body sent me some comfy leggings! Use my code Jenny15 to get your discount!
Here is an extra:
my most recent daily routine!
Are you following me on Insta @HeavenlyTreasureLiving ???? Please do!
Ok those are my short 3 tips
Tell me yours in the comments!
Jenny P

I definitely love to get outside and go for a hike! If I was by the beach, I would love to go to the beach! After reading this post, I think it’s time for me to use an old massage gift card and sign up for the beekeeping course I have been wanting to take!!!
yes sister so happy its inspired you to do the things for yourself too! The Most High wants to shower blessings over us! Enjoy your massage and cannot wait to hear how beekeeping goes!