Need ideas for crafts with kids? ME TOO! Here are my fave Pinterest saves of the year so far!
Not just my faves of course, my children super enjoyed these crafts. Some have survived over time and one lasted enough to entertain for a week or so.
Homeschool, craft day, party crafts, whatever crafts with kids…these will do!
Alphabet Stones
As easy as collecting the flattest, roundest stones outside.
Then washing them up.
After drying them, write the alphabet or numbers or even draw animal figures!
We placed them in an open box they can reach at anytime and they love it! So far no one has been injured by flying stones, knock on wood! Both the 3 year old and 6 year old have fun with these.
Easy Peasy!
Ball Run
You will need packaging tubes or paper tubes of some kind. And tape. DONE!
To add extra time to this craft, have them color/paint the tubes. They added colorful washy tape to theirs.
Make sure you have a marble or a small enough ball to fit through! This one entertained the 3 year old more than the 6 year old. and only lasted on the wall for about 2 weeks.
Have fun!
Popsicle Stick Raft
Popsicle sticks, glue, washy tape!
Yes this one they need grown up help a bit more than the previous 2 crafts.
Glue a row of popsicle sticks onto 2 popsicle sticks horizontally. Checkout images below!
After it dries they can paint it or decorate with washy tape. You can also use the washy tape to make the sail!
Enjoy! keep in mind, depending on the type of glue you use, they will not last very long in the water!
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