04: Tips for Biblical Womanhood with Anneliese

Today’s episode:

Anneliese is a Christian married woman who has started a ministry online about Biblical Womanhood and femininity. She joins me today to tell us about how it all got started, her quick testimony, life before marriage, and tips too!
As our conversation unfolds we hit on topics such as how did The Most High speak to her, and show her what her personal issues were she needed to overcome to live a peaceful life.Bitterness, anger, and control, and how these things were affecting the first years of her marriage. We talk as Christian women striving for making the best choices according to biblical values.

She gives also insight on how her husband supported Anneliese before her transformation, during and presently, especially touching on the ways, in general, men are also doing their best to be great husbands. 
Even though what we talk about will look different for everyone, Anneliese and I converse about simple ways we can have a peaceful marriage and grow in our Christian walk as women.

The Simple:

Biblical Womanhood tips to listen for:

  • How Anneliese overcomes situations to keep her peace
  • What verses we can use to remind ourselves about God’s greater plan and wisdom
  • Books Anneliese recommend

Bible verses Anneliese mentions:
1 Peter 3
John 14:15
Titus 2
Philippians 2


  • Find Anneliese and more about biblical womanhood and femininity on IG @feminine_not_feminist
  • Join the Pink Premium to get the hidden gems uncut and exclusive link to join our private group call with Anneliese

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