01: What is The Salt Podcast?

Episode 01!!! WHAT?!?

What is The Salt Podcast?
I am super excited to get it started!

So why now? And what is the SALT podcast all about?

This is the short and sweet of it. No long back-story, or “all about me.”
You can get all the scoop about me in many previous posts starting with the About section, where I have been writing all about that for 9 years. Maybe, in future episodes I will share a few of my own stories too.

The SALT Podcast is going to be more about the guests. Their expertise, stories, and tips!
All in short, bite-size, and practical steps we can all apply to our lives. 

Thanks for subscribing, want more?

Be sure to get the Pink Premium Access for more out of this experience too! I will be hiding gems from the public episodes and revealing the full podcast in the Pink Premium Access along with more membership exclusives for only a monthly or yearly option! Yes the public Launch will happen soon so be sure to subscribe to HT to be in the know!

Contact me to be a guest on the show.

Ready for a community? Join Women’s Essential Wellness FB group

I so appreciate all your support in this new endeavor and cannot wait to share more! We have already released episodes to the prelaunch team and getting amazing feedback about the Premium Access- which tells me that the free option will be received just as well!

Subscribe to get the latest news, freebies and exclusives for subscribers only!

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