Why I got started?
Years ago, when we first realized my husband was sensitive to gluten, a friend of mine asked me if he ever tried eating sourdough bread. Apparently the gluten is less because the sourdough eats up some of the gluten. Ever since then I was curious to try it out but never did.

Recently sourdough came up on my radar. i think I was baking something for my kids and posted it on IG and a friend asked me if I had ever baked using sourdough! Then I metup with another homeschool mama friend and she mentioned she uses sourdough and she would love to give me some starter! Not a coincidence my friends. It was meant to be.
How it’s going?
Not going to lie it was pretty intimidating. My only experience with fermenting stuff is Kombucha! And this is actually a bit trickier than that. Surprisingly, my first attempt when quite well. Using rye with sourdough was my first bake and it was super straightforward. Diving into whole wheat flours and bread flours, fermenting times based on my kitchen temperature and sourdough strength…it is just SO many things to take into account that a simple recipe cannot hand to you.
so here are 2 of my favorite bakers who’s websites and videos made it super easy to get started!

Two favorite bakers so far:
Amy Duska of Little Spoon Farm : My friend sent me her website and I immediately read all her tips and wrote the ones down that pertained to me and my kitchen. There is still tons of trial and error of course! Plus, I love the recipes she has for cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, and more, yummm.
Bake with Jack : Jack Sturgess makes learning super fun and simple. He has tons of videos and helpful tips. The best one I learned is using scrapings and having zero sourdough discard! Best tip ever!
A few tools I realized I needed in order of importance:
for the list go to my amazon page and find the sourdough list!