Sarah’s Surprise home birth by Eurecia Matthews

I was so excited to receive my sister in Christ’s surprise home birth story!
She had told me months ago that she wanted to share it and had not heard from her til now. My favorite messages to wake up to are women sharing their guest posts for HeavenlyTreasure Blog!

Sis Reece said to me: “Thank you sis for allowing me to share my birth story on your delightful blog, I truly am humbled. I’m sorry for the delay I have had a incredibly busy year but I’m grateful to make it in time for the March birth special!”

And yes I am grateful she sent me hers in time for Our March birth special tooo!

Sarah’s Surprise home birth by Eurecia Matthews

First and for most I would like to give all Praise and Glory to Ahayah bahashem Yashaya Wa Rawach (I Am in the name of My Saviour and Spirit) and without further a due here we go.

My youngest daughter Sarah was born September 30, 2017 my pregnancy was a blessing and surprise.

I couldn’t believe that just five years prior my first born daughter was born by Cesarean and two years later my son was born VBAC in a hospital.

I was grateful to The Most High that I was walking in truth this time around. He had revealed so much wisdom to me that I felt a lot more confident. I was sure I wanted to have this baby as naturally and free from intervention as possible. I found a great midwife and was going to have a home water birth. It was all planned out, or so I thought.

Once again I was humbled and it was clear that The Most High had another design in mind. During the time of my pregnancy I remember the Houston hurricanes. This event was of significance to me because, at that time, I was facing a spiritual storm in my personal life and everything I thought I knew had been turned upside down.

Because of the trials my family had been facing, we had lost our former home. Eventually my children and I moved in with my grandmother. Gratefully my midwife had an adorable little cottage house that she turned into a birth center for mothers in need. Complete with a jet pool tub, which is were I planned to give birth.

So as far as I was concerned things were still working out.

As I was caring on with the festivities of the month, September is a month with many high holy days for me, I remember thinking to myself “wouldn’t it be something if I had my baby during the Feast of Tabernacle’s.” Not actually believing I would, since I wasn’t technically due until the middle of October. However, my instinct let me know my baby was coming sooner. I thought maybe within the first couple weeks of October, however, it was clear I was in for a surprise.

On the Sabbath morning during the last day of The Feast of Tabernacles I awoke to light contractions. Because they were not very intense, I thought for sure they we just Braxton Hicks and assured my grandmother that I was fine and that she could go ahead to work.

As my contractions grew stronger and closer together it became clear that my baby was coming today.

But I thought I still had a few hours. So I called my midwife and let her know I was having contractions and would be heading down in a few hours. I then called my husband to come get me and the kids.

I barely made out of the shower, I prayed to The Most High that everything would be alright. That He would bless the hands that would help bring my baby into the world.

My labor started to progress very fast.

My contractions became very intense, I walked through my Grandmother’s house, still wet in my towel from the shower screaming in travail and crying out: “NOOO not now not here this wasn’t the way I planned it.” I had never been so scared! I did everything I could to stop the progression of labor. It was to no amiss, my hour had come.

I had never felt so powerless, I had finally realized and accepted that I had no control over what was taking place. Whatever was going to be would be the will of The Most High. I submitted to His will and fell to my grandmother’s living room floor.

I sat on my knees in a squatting position on my grandmother’s living room floor.

Not wanting to move as my children ran around cheering for the baby to come. My teenage cousin, whom I forgot was even home, ran to call for help. I cried out in a submissive voice “I don’t know what to do.”

Moments later I felt my baby descending!

Through Wisdom The Most High let me know to place my hands under myself to prepare to catch my baby.

With one, last, intense scream, Sarah’s head gently fell into the palms of my hands!!!

As I listened to her sweet little screams, like music to my ears, I pulled her to my chest and began to nurse her.

Checking to see if she was a boy or girl, to my delight she was a beautiful baby girl.

At that moment I felt a calm and perfect peace.

I give all Praise Honor and Glory to The Most High Ahayah bahashem Yashaya Wa Rawach, for The Most High truly is Incredibly, amazingly, awesome and worthy to be praised!!!

Thank you for allowing me to share and Shalom.

“Be still and know that I Am God” Psalms 46:10

surprise home birth

Thank you for reading Sarah’s Surprise home birth by Eurecia Matthews

2 thoughts on “Sarah’s Surprise home birth by Eurecia Matthews”

  1. Wow, what a story! I would love to have a birth where my baby comes simply like this. I had a very complicated yet, supernatural, pain free delivery with my 2nd, but then lost too much blood, got an infection and went into shock. My husband came into the room and prayed as the nurses and doctors were all flustered around and I suddenly went back to completely normal. I’ve got my whole story on my blog. 🙂


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